Sports & Fitness

Feel how the vitality unfolds

You want to supplement your outdoor sports activities in the fabulous Kitzbühel Alpine world with some indoor fitness, and vitalise body and mind regardless of what the weather is like? Then you are welcome to visit daily from 8:00 to 20:00 our Indoor-Pool as well as our fitness room with modern equipment.

Jogging in Kitzbühel

For all those with a zest for exercising

The extraordinary hilly landscape in Kitzbühel offers the best conditions for a successful jogging session before a splendid mountain backdrop. Mountain jogging routes up to the famous ski summits of Hahnenkamm and Kitzbüheler Horn complete the extensive range of options. From beginners to ambitious athletes - in Kitzbühel all exercise fans can be sure to get their money’s worth.

The running paradise in the Alps

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